Raymond James for Missouri Senate #31


  • Raymond James for Missouri Senate 31
  • Bates, Cass and Johnson Counties

Reproductive Freedom

Artificial insemination/IVF, Birth control to include IUDs and the decision to have an abortion are difficult and must be made by the woman. Not by a government or someone else religion.
A ban on abortion with no exceptions for rape means that our government is forcing 10 year old rape victims to carry the rapist baby to term. Often resulting in death or injury that prevents the child, once grown , from ever having children.

Equal Rights for all

Efforts to adopt laws that are detrimental to a minority, often without Senators sitting and listening to what that minority has to say, ARE WRONG. If marriage is a good thing for our society then it is good regardless of the couples orientation. Yet my opponent opposes marriage for all.
Anti LGBTQ laws are being proposed every session that violate the Civil rights of those effected.

Protect Voting Rights

Efforts to limit the types of ID needed to Vote, number of locations, days and hours of voting are detrimental to our democracy.
As are the proposed changes to our Citizen Initiative Petition Process. Citizen Initiatives have enabled Medicaid Expansion, bringing much needed Federal Dollars, to keep our hospitals open. If the concern is Out Of State influence then limit campaign donations to causes and candidates to $200. No organization or person can donate more than $200 to help pass a Initiative.

Reduce Gun Violence

Not talking about taking anyone’s guns. Rather some commons sense things like a tax credit for gun safes. Many of our children are killed after finding a gun and playing with it . When not in use guns need to be locked up. Hot hand on Cold Steel or Lock it up.
Background checks on every gun transfer not just from a Federal Arms Dealer, Permits/ training required to Conceal Carry and Red Flag Laws. If a guy is going thru a divorce and threatening to harm his soon to be ex-wife he needs access to guns taken away until he calms down and gets his head on straight. A judge needs to review and approve any removal of a weapon exceeding 24 hours

Education Funding/ Libraries

We need to fully fund our schools and pay our teachers as the professionals they are. Efforts to allow untrained personnel to teach, move schools to 4 days a week to save money are not helpful. If a teacher cannot live on their pay, how is leaving the pay the same but having them work 4 longer days instead of 5 shorter, paying the rent? Efforts to redirect our teacher retirement funds must be stopped. If studies showed 4 longer days were good for students I would support it. I have seen no such studies and we still have to pay the teachers.

If you do not like a book in the Library put it back on the shelf. Efforts to remove books that some find offensive are wrong. Many people opposing books in school libraries do not have students in the district and have never read the book they want banned. You parent your child and allow others to parent their child.


20 Years of GOP control of Jefferson City has left us with crumpling roads and 19 Hospitals closing in the last 10 years. They pass tax cut after tax cut for the 1%. I favor raising State Income tax on those making over 1 million a year and accepting Federal Dollars for roads and Health Care . I understand that in order to get Federal Dollars there is a State match. So the state puts up 10 cents to get 90 cents to build a road that is badly needed. We got 90% of the project cost and if we tax those making over a million a year like we used to we have the money for the match.

Endorsed by the AFL- CIO

Raymond James

Retired: Army Master Sergeant, Environmental Public Health Specialist, Current grandfather and hobby farmer.

Supporting our community.

  • Volunteer Fire Fighter Johnson County Fire 2001 to 2010.
  • Board member/Secretary 2 terms for the Johnson County Emergency Services Board/911 call center.
  • Democratic Party County Committee Member 2018 to present . Currently serving as Chair of the Johnson County Central Committee.
  • Election Poll Judge 2006 to present
  • Member American Legion Post 131 , Life Member VFW Post 2513
  • Volunteer Journey Home – Homeless shelter in Johnson County.

  • Some photos of me and my family